Many people have trouble losing unwanted weight despite regular exercise and changing to a…
Uterine fibroids are abnormal tissue growth in the uterus. There are many factors that…
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the middle of your neck just below your chin…
Stress has become the 21st century condition. In our experience, stress either underlies or is a symptom of…
Getting adequate sleep is one of the foundations of wellness, and is essential for…
Healthy skin is a reflection of what’s going on inside you…
Acute sinusitis is an inflammatory condition of the nasal passageway and sinuses…
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO is a chronic bacterial infection of
It is normal to get one to two colds or flu annually, but anything more than that is a sign your immune system could use…
Congratulations, you are pregnant! This is an exciting time for you, but it can also…
Preparing for pregnancy is much like preparing the soil in a garden…
Premenstrual syndrome is so common in our society that many people, including…
Menopause is a transitional time in a woman’s life. It is the time when the ovaries are retiring and hormone levels are changing. The average age…
At Living Wellness Centre, we can help your child flourish by providing a caring and…
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common endocrine condition and…
Even more difficult than the pain itself, can be the frustration and helplessness that people experience when…
OP is a common condition where the bone’s strength and integrity is diminished…
At Living Wellness Centre we address underlying nutritional and biochemical deficiencies that are present to help balance and restore brain function.
1 in 5 Canadians will suffer from a mental illness in their lifetime, with anxiety and depression being the most common of these.
Metabolic syndrome is incredibly common these days and is a collection of…
There are two kinds of insomnia; trouble falling asleep and…
The immune system is truly amazing. It works hard for you. Every. Single. Day…
You’ve been told you have “IBS” and to eat more fiber, yet you still have digestive…
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an inflammatory and ulcerated condition of…
Hormones are master chemical messengers that travel throughout the body and influence every organ and body system. Hormones affect…
Food sensitivities are delayed reactions to specific foods that are triggered by IgG antibodies…
A food allergy is an exaggerated immune response triggered by certain foods. Specific proteins in the food cause…
Trying to conceive, especially when deemed challenging, can be very stressful both physically and emotionally. You don’t need to navigate this challenging journey alone.
Symptoms of adrenal fatigue may include…
Allergies are a type of inflammation triggered by the immune system overacting to a certain allergen, such as grass…
Tired of being tired? It is estimated that 65% of Canadians…
The health of your digestive system is pivotal to optimal wellness. What we eat everyday affects how we feel…
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