Premenstrual syndrome is so common in our society that many people, including women, think that it’s just a normal part of the female cycle. Headaches, menstrual cramps, irritability, irregular periods, heavy periods, depression, bloating, water retention, and cravings are actually not normal; they are a sign that your hormones are not as balanced as they should be. Hormones are very powerful molecules that have numerous roles in the body. They perform their best when in balance with each other. The oral birth control pill is not a period-fix-all. Natural remedies for PMS do exist and are effective for treating the underlying issue. Talk to one of your naturopathic doctors to find out how to have problem free periods.
Symptoms of adrenal fatigue may include…
Men’s Health
OP is a common condition where the bone’s strength and integrity is diminished…
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common endocrine condition and…
Perimenopause/ Menopause
Menopause is a transitional time in a woman’s life. It is the time when the ovaries are retiring and hormone levels are changing. The average age…
Premenstrual syndrome is so common in our society that many people, including…
Postpartum Care
Pre-Conception Care
Preparing for pregnancy is much like preparing the soil in a garden…
Pregnancy Care
Congratulations, you are pregnant! This is an exciting time for you, but it can also…
Pregnancy Support
Congratulations, you are pregnant! This is an exciting time for you, but it can also…
Prenatal Care
Thyroid Conditions
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland that sits in the middle of your neck just below your chin…
Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are abnormal tissue growth in the uterus. There are many factors that…