Cold Laser Therapy uses red light and infrared light to improve healing, decrease inflammation and reset pain receptors. This spectrum of light penetrates to a deep cellular level stimulating the body’s natural healing process. Cold laser is safe, painless and has no known negative side effects. It can be very effective for a broad range of medical conditions including musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, sports injuries, wounds, chronic and degenerative conditions.
Cold Laser Therapy isn’t actually cold. It is a form of physical therapy that falls under ‘cold’ therapy only because it doesn’t use heat to heal, rather it uses the red and infrared spectrum of light to promote healing. It’s actual name is “Low Intensity Light/Laser Therapy” or “Photobiomodulation”, hence its nickname ‘Cold Laser’.
Cold laser is safe, painless and has no known negative side effects
The idea that light is a potential healer has been hidden in plain sight for millenia.